Kiepie en Kandas Kleuterskool

Ons Program

Ons daaglikse program bevat tematiese en interaktiewe aktiwiteite wat die Kleuter interesseer en sodoende leer hy sonder dat hy dit besef deur te speel. Vroeë leerontwikkelingsareas (ELDA’s) soos kreatiwiteit, kommunikasie, vroeë wiskundige konsepte, groot motoriese – en sensoriese vaardighede ens word gedek in ons program.

Ouers kry ook weekliks ‘n whatsapp boodskap wat meer inligting gee oor die tema wat behandel word. Ons het ook dikwels instappies en uitstappies wat by die temas pas om die kleuters meer konkreet te betrek.

Leesbegrip leesprobleem

Kwartaal 1

– Ek en my skool

– Dis my lyfie

– Sintuie

– Ek leef gesond

– Dis my familie

– Hier bly ek

– Die mense wat my help

– Mense wat kunstenaars is

– Dis my kultuur

– Paasfees

Kwartaal 2

– Pad en spoorvervoer

– Water vervoer

– Alles wat winkels verkoop

– So word geboue gebou

– Diere op die plaas

– Klaargemaakte kos

– Suiwel en suiwelprodukte

Kwartaal 3

– Troeteldiere

– Wilde diere in die veld

– Wilde diere in die woud

– Seediere

– Skurwe reptiele

– Oeroue dinosourusse

– Allerande voëls

– Tuis op land en in water (uitbreiding op voëls)

– Insekte

Kwartaal 4

– Druppels tot damme

– Plante om te eet

– Plante vir die mooi

– Bome is belangrik

– Dag en Nag 

– Kerfees

–  Vakansietyd

building-blocks colorful-wooden
Nelspruit Privaat Kleuterskool

Opsomming van die ELDAS

ELDA 1: Well-being

  1. Children are well nourished
  2. Children are healthy and have a sense of good hygiene
  3. Children build a sense of safety and security (environmental health)
  4. Children are physically strong and show abilities and interest in physical activities
  5. Children build a sense of resilience (being strong and resistant to daily stresses)


ELDA 2: Identity and belonging

  1. Children are aware of themselves as capable and confident learners
  2. Children have a strong sense of self care
  3. Children build strong relationships
  4. Children have  a sense of group identity and a sense of celebrating differences


ELDA 3: Communication

  1. Children listen to sounds and speeches
  2. Children speak using different styles of communication
  3. Children make meaning by “reading” what they see, hear, feel, taste and touch
  4. Children record their experiences and ideas through language, sounds, art, drama and later on through “writing”


ELDA 4: Exploring mathematics

  1. Children show awareness and are responsive to numbers and counting
  2. Children sort, classify, make comparisons and solve problems
  3. Children explore shape, space and measurement


ELDA 5: Creativity

  1. Identifying, searching for and creating solutions to challenges through problem solving
  2. Identifying, searching for and creating solutions to challenges through play and make believe
  3. Identifying, searching for and creating solutions to challenges through visual art activities
  4. Identifying, searching for and creating solutions to challenges through music, dance and drama


ELDA 6: Knowledge and understanding of the world

  1. Children explore and investigate their life world
  2. Children explore design, make items and use technology
  3. Children explore and investigate time and place